Thursday, September 10, 2009

Apong @ Nipah @Sea Coconut

This, my friend, is an 'apong' tree... 'apong' to the Sarawakians, 'nipah' to the West Malaysians.

Remember those crystal jelly you had for desert? This is where you harvest them. Sarawakians call it 'buah tematu'. This fruit can grow to the size of a football.

Below, is what it looks like at its juvenile stage. And the corn-like thingee is the 'mayang' or flowers.

So, what do you do with an apong tree? You harvest the 'air sadap', a clear sometimes slightly murky sweet liquid .

You harvest it with a recycle plastic bottle, than you pour it into these bamboo containers.

You boil it, and stir till the liquid thickens

And you 'll get this gooey muddy substance, poured in tins, or clear containers

So... what do you do with 'gula apong'?

Sarawakians make various deserts with it, such as this kuih celorot...

or fried gula apong-coated kuih cincin

or this kuih perahu...

or you can order "teh c special satu"! This, is Heaven.